Monday, 9 January 2017

Introduction to ancillary task

The second stage of the promotional package is the print magazine and poster. During this stage the task is to create our own magazine covers for the promotion of our film using ideas from already existing magazine covers and produce a poster for the film. To begin with I will be doing some research in to already existing horror magazines cover to find out the codes and conventions of a horror magazine. This would help me get an idea about how magazines are made and what codes and conventions are followed. I would be deconstructing some of the well known horror magazine covers in order to understand it in detail and be able to apply that knowledge to the construction of my own magazine cover for the promotional package. Once I will be familiar with how magazine covers are made and the conventions are used.

I would also do some market research on magazine covers to find out more about my target audience's interests. This would include the use of a questionnaire which will consist of questions about the magazine cover such as what do they expect to see in a magazine cover and why. These type of questions will help me get an idea about the likes and dislikes of the target audience. I will then analyse the results from the questionnaire to come to a conclusion of how I want my magazine cover to look. Questionnaires will also help me gather some different ideas from different people with different perspectives, this as a result would help me understand the expectation of the audience.

To do this I will be using Adobe Photoshop, a photo editing programme. The plan is to use a still shot from the teaser trailer itself for the magazine cover. As part of research, I will create mind maps, questionnaires etc.

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