Monday, 14 November 2016

Planning- Title for VISIONS: Connotations

To start with for our media production we had to first create the title screen for the film. Our film is based on a girl with a power to be able to see the future. Whilst making the title, I had to keep in mind the story line of the film so the title is relevant for the film as well. We wanted to come up with a production title that would represent our film as well as meet the codes and conventions of a horror. This is why I chose an eye as a background for our production title because our movie is about visions and the background represents that. Also, for the name of our production company we decided to keep it close to the story line of the trailer. The phrase burnt means become red and painful through exposure to the sun. The eye is a representative of a persons visions and what they intend to see. Whatever is experienced by a person is recorded in the memory. Flashbacks is a common thing in horror films as it gives the audience a little bit of insight to what is happening and keep the audience hooked with it. As a result, we named our production company: "BURNT EYE PRODUCTIONS". 

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