Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Production Day 1

The first day of filming was a bit challenging as it required getting used to the equipment and understanding the procedure to get all the shots right. To start with we first made sure the camera was fully charged and as the camera belonged to Faiza we made sure to remind her to charge it fully to avoid any last moment filming cancellation. During the filming we decided to go through the shots in order of the storyboard to maintain the consistency of the shots. This would make it easier for us in the post production stage while we are editing. All the group members were there while we were filming, this would be helpful as who ever was filming the shots could get some extra ideas on how to do it and improve some shots as well. On the first day, we were successfully able to do the close up shot of the eye of the main character of our film. The equipment we had ordered i.e. the contact lenses only had a day limit which was a drawback as we had decided to film some of the scenes later on in the production stage but because the contacts had a one day limit as a group we decided that we would shoot all the shots that needed the actor to wear white contacts on that day. This helped us to get most of the shots done with the actor wearing white contacts. However, it did become a bit of a issue because as it was our first day of filming we were still getting used to the equipment.

Time of the day is another issue that we came across as we wanted to film during day light to avoid any change in lighting and because its winter time now the sun sets by 5 o clock in the evening and it gets really dark. We controlled for this variable by deciding to keep our filming inside the house so natural lighting is not required and we can control the lighting ourselves in the house. Time management was another issue that we came across as some of us were not able to arrive on time which delayed the filming process. Also, we hadn't checked if all the equipment was right and working, during the filming we realised that the tripod was broken and was very shaky which was causing problems for us to get clear and stable shots. We still managed to get few of the shots with hand and it did work but we have to make sure that next time our tripod is stable and not shaky as some of the shots such as the establishing shot of the house would not be perfect without a tripod.

Also, after when it was really and we were about to finish filming we divided ourselves in to two's and two of our group members were working on the shooting with the actor. Myself and Jeet were working on the title of the film. I had previously created an image of the title screen on photoshop which we were going to use for our film. So, I was using Final Cut Pro to see what kind of effect I want for the title screen. Because our film is about visions I had chosen the background to be an eye. Whilst doing this I learnt more deeply about Final Cut Pro such as how to add text on top and add transitions like blur etc. I wanted the title screen to come out good as it would give the first impression of the teaser trailer and it should appeal to the audience.

Overall, I believe there were many shots done in one day however, we could have done more but because of poor time management and winters we were unable to but we didn't let that time go to waste and I worked on the title screen allowing us to get some effective work done. As it was the first day it was not big issue because we had now learnt some of our faults and when we film next time these could be prevented.


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