Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Research- Trailer Analysis- Friday the 13th

The trailer opens with a point of view shot which creates a sense of anonymity amongst the audience. The long shot of the moon meets the codes and conventions of the horror slasher. It familiarises the audience with the setting of the film. The second shot is of the guy with yellow coat who is in the middle of no where and gets trapped by someone. The close up shot of his face emphasises his expressions and helps the audience understand what happened better. Throughout the trailer there are shots of axes and knives which meets the codes and conventions of horror slasher as it connotes danger and foreshadow the murders that happen in the film. The medium long shot of the old man suggests he is knowledgeable and we can say that by the way he is dressed traditional. The old man is about to leave the safe location and head to the place where all the murders are happening. He is presented as wise and intelligent.
The axes and knives conform to the codes and conventions and signify murders. The weapons represent the main themes of slasher that is murder. Claudi's theory of binary opposite is evident in the trailer as the binary opposites of good vs evil is presented in the trailer. Also, the representation of young vs elderly is presented as well in the trailer showing that young people are careless and get murdered quickly for example the girls that are hiding behind the tree in the forest whereas old people are more intelligent and smart and survive the longest because of their awareness about the issue.
The main victims in the film are women who are screaming and shown as vulnerable. A fraction of men are murdered as well however that is not as significant as a women dying because the of effects that is created with their murders. This conforms to the stereotype of women being damsel's in distress and always need to be saved. However, also meets the codes and conventions of horror slasher films where women are always the victims. The males die however we never hear them scream for help whereas women scream and create a jump scare amongst the audience.

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